Ending Human Trafficking Workshop
8:30 AM08:30

Ending Human Trafficking Workshop

Human trafficking is one of the most pressing social justice issues of our time, and in recent years there has been renewed interest among Christians, as many have been stirred up to take their part in the ongoing battle. This is a wonderful thing―and yet misinformed and misguided efforts can do more harm than good.

Join us at 8:30am on January 26th, 2023 to learn how Bay Area churches and parachurch organizations can participate in truly effective work.  Authors Sandra Morgan and Kimberly McOwen Yim will present a theological response to the issue, along with up-to-date data and practical tips to engage in this space. 

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Conversations that Matter - Post Pandemic Marketplace Ministry
11:00 AM11:00

Conversations that Matter - Post Pandemic Marketplace Ministry


The pandemic drastically changed where, when, and how we work. The challenges of the last two years provide a chance to rethink work and how we approach it as followers of Christ. Join an encouraging conversation with Denise Lee Yohn - Director of Faith & Work Journey, and Roy Tinklenberg, Co-Founder of Faith & Work Movement to discuss how Church leaders can approach the question, " What does Marketplace ministry look like post Covid?"

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Bay Area Leadership Summit
to Oct 21

Bay Area Leadership Summit


Christian leaders from different areas of society, Pastors, Ministry Leaders and Business Leaders, will bring their perspective to the table, as we discuss what it would look like to see every person reached, and every area of our society touched and transformed by the gospel. All of the presenters are local leaders who will share their best practices how they are modeling collaborative efforts to serve the community and getting exceptional results. The program is structured with plenty of space for Q&A with the presenters and collaborative discussion. We want to learn more about the many great efforts already in process so that we can build upon them for with the goal of exponential impact.

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Conversations that Matter - The Church and the City
11:00 AM11:00

Conversations that Matter - The Church and the City


What is the connection between the Church and the City? Do you have a vision for the city where your church is located? Join panelists Adam Peacock, founder, Feathervine, Brian Leong, English pastor at Lord’s Grace Christian Church and founder, Move Mountain View, Pastor Paul Bains, Co-founder of Project We Hope, East Palo Alto, and Finny Abraham, local Compassion pastor at Westgate Church and a leader with Beautiful Day, Wednesday, October 12 at 11:00am-12pm for a Conversation that Matters on The Church and the City – how faith leaders can engage with city leaders.

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Asian American Pastors Gathering
11:30 AM11:30

Asian American Pastors Gathering


Eugene Cho will share an encouraging word specific to Bay Area leaders. Eugene is the President/CEO of Bread for the World, a prominent non-partisan Christian advocacy organization urging both national and global decision makers to help end hunger – both in the United States and around the world. He is also the founder and former Senior Pastor of Quest Church – an urban, multi-cultural and multi-generational church in Seattle, Washington. For his entrepreneurial work, Eugene was honored as one of 50 Everyday American Heroes and a recipient of the Frederick Douglass 200 . Eugene is the author of two acclaimed books, "Thou Shalt Not Be a Jerk: A Christian’s Guide to Engaging Politics"and, "Overrated: Are We More in Love with the Idea of Changing the World Than Actually Changing the World?"

Lunch will be provided. We hope you can make it!

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Exponential Bay Area Regional
to Oct 5

Exponential Bay Area Regional

  • Echo Church San Jose (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The single command that Jesus gave his followers before igniting a movement was “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised…” He was telling them to wait for and then move with the Spirit. At this year’s Exponential Regional, we’ll discover a growing awareness of the Spirit’s work and leadership while also realizing that we will always be more effective if we move with the Holy Spirit.

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TBC + Fuller Seminary - 1 Day Restoration Retreat
8:30 AM08:30

TBC + Fuller Seminary - 1 Day Restoration Retreat

  • Christ Community Church of Milpitas (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It's no secret that Pastors and ministry leaders are experiencing exhaustion and burnout at alarming rates. Brian Wallace, the Executive Director of the Fuller Center for Spiritual Formation, together with Transforming the Bay With Christ, is coming together to provide a day of emotional, spiritual, and relational healing. This one day retreat will include lunch and times for Spiritual Direction. Bring your whole staff! Cost for the day is only $10.

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Managing Leadership Anxiety w/ Steve Cuss
9:00 AM09:00

Managing Leadership Anxiety w/ Steve Cuss

  • Westgate Church - Saratoga (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

"The goal of managing anxiety is not simply for relief, it is to connect more fully with God."

According to a recent study from Barna, nearly 40% of pastors have seriously considered leaving ministry in recent months. Many if not most of us serving and leading local churches in the Bay Area can relate. It's a uniquely challenging time to be a pastor.

Join us on Wednesday, Sept.21st for a learning experience and conversation with Steve Cuss, author of Managing Leadership Anxiety. Steve's experience as a hospice and trauma chaplain, then as a local church pastor, will help us navigate both our own personal anxiety and the corporate anxiety of the communities we serve, as we move collectively toward becoming a non-anxious presence in an anxiety-stricken world.

This event is designed for pastors and key church staff and lay leaders who are serving and leading in the trenches people's lives.

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Lead Bold Bay Area Conference
to Sep 17

Lead Bold Bay Area Conference

Lead Bold is committed to empowering and equipping women leaders to reach their full potential in ministry leadership. Their 4th annual Bay Area Conference will be held in Livermore on September 16-17th.

If you are a female pastor, church leader or faith-based nonprofit leader...or you have female ministry leaders in your leadership sphere...don't miss out on this unique conference for you or the women on your team! Use the discount code TBCLEADBOLD for a $10 discount.

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Christopher Duffley Live at the Fox Theatre
4:00 PM16:00

Christopher Duffley Live at the Fox Theatre

Christopher was a preemie born with cocaine in his system, weighing just 1lb 12oz. Miraculously, Christopher survived, but is blind and autistic. Check out this youtube video of Christopher Duffley at age 11, with 68 million views: https://youtu.be/-F_W_zl61bI. On September 11th, 2022 at 4pm, Christopher will share his testimony and perform at the historic Fox Theater in Redwood City. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to an inspiring event.

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Re-Infusing Outreach Passion and Practice in the Life of Your Church
10:00 AM10:00

Re-Infusing Outreach Passion and Practice in the Life of Your Church

  • Community Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The TBC team will be hosting an event in partnership with Organic Outreach International for pastors, outreach leaders, and key church influencers who have a deep passion for the gospel. These past two years have been hard on everyone, including church leaders and church members. The commitment to reaching our communities with God’s love is as strong as ever but it is time to infuse our congregations with the passion and tools needed to fulfill the Great Commission.

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Conversations that Matter - The Emotionally Healthy Leader
11:00 AM11:00

Conversations that Matter - The Emotionally Healthy Leader

Leading a ministry focused on encouraging genuine life change in others is tough. Too often we are asked to lead by example, but what is our example? As leaders, how is our emotional health? What’s happening deeply beneath the surface of our lives?  

Join Pete Scazzero, Kaloma Smith, Cathy McIlvoy, and Anthony Mejia for a Conversation that Matters as we examine the inner life with Christ and discuss the emotionally healthy leader.

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Conversations that Matter - The Deeply Formed Life
11:00 AM11:00

Conversations that Matter - The Deeply Formed Life

In today's sometimes frantic pace, we tend to forget to slow down and quiet our hearts and minds to be present. For some, our souls are weary from a lack of balance, purpose, and focus. What if we took a look at a fresh vision for allowing God to deeply form us?

Join Rich Villodas, Shauna Pilgreen, Richard Gotthardt, and Rob McIlvoy for a conversation on living in a place we all yearn for, a place of deep communion with God.

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Conversations that Matter - Resilient Leadership
10:30 AM10:30

Conversations that Matter - Resilient Leadership

Amidst the unpredictability of the last year, church leaders have faced new challenges, difficult decisions, and changing circumstances. Building resilience is vital in order to navigate through times of uncertainty and lead our teams and congregations. Research shows that resilient organizations and churches not only survive in the face of change and uncertainty, they thrive.

Join Tod Bolsinger, Steve Clifford, Hurmon Hamilton, and Susan Van Riesen on October 20th from 10:30-11:30am for an encouraging conversation on leaning into becoming a more adaptable, proactive, resilient leader.

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Conversations that Matter - Soul Care of the Leader
11:00 AM11:00

Conversations that Matter - Soul Care of the Leader

Coming out of eighteen months of a global pandemic, racial unrest and political turbulence, leadership discouragement and weariness are at an all time high.

A recent survey of Protestant pastors by the Barna Group found that 29% said they had given “real, serious consideration to quitting full-time ministry within the past year.”

Are you becoming depleted caring for the souls of others? Leaders need soul care as much as – or perhaps even more – than those they lead.  With the responsibility of caring for so many others, pastors and ministry leaders may neglect their own personal soul care and risk burnout.

Join us on September 23rd at 11am for a Conversation that Matters on the Soul Care of the Leader with Steve Cuss, Julie Barrios, Roger Valci, and Mark Smallcombe.

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10:00 AM10:00

High Leverage Leadership - Do Less. Accomplish More

Join us for this half day workshop designed to enable nonprofit executives, public sector leaders, corporate social responsibility managers, and social change agents to contribute more effectively to society by helping them understand what systems thinking is and why it is so important in their work.

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9:00 AM09:00

Managing Leadership Anxiety Workshop

We'd like to invite you to a full day workshop with Steve Cuss, author of, "Managing Leadership Anxiety", at Mingleton Temple Church of God in Christ. As our team read this book, we were both deeply moved and surprised at the discovery of our own anxieties and the underlying stories that drive many of our own personal decisions.

The impact of the words in Steve's book have been profound to our team and we hope to bring some of those learnings to our leaders. We've partnered with Andrew Madsen, pastor of Reunion Oakland, to bring Steve to the Bay Area for this one day workshop.

Please join us for this time of reflecting, learning, and growing into better leaders. September 25th @ 9-3pm. Click below for more details and to register.

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